About Us
The Expandatrack Story
After Working as contractor and for several Curtain and Blind Companies within Canterbury Gary and Lisa decided to import Expandable Tracks to supply the major chain stores throughout New Zealand as a wholesale company.
Due to heaps of experience within the Furnishing industry and no experience within the major chain store systems; this proved to be harder than expected
However; Gary and Lisa pushed on and sold to the Retail market as best as they could
This is how the name 'Expandatrack' came to be. (Expandable Tracks)
The Expandable Tracks were stored at Gary and Lisa's home address in Avonside which was hit hard through the 2011 earthquake and the liquefaction damaged all stock.
This was a devastating time for everyone within Canterbury and like so many others; they lost their home and any future plans were abruptly stopped.
Gary and Lisa's shipment of tracks however was insured so they imported another shipment to try to start over.
Whilst renting in Burwood and whilst waiting for their replacement build, Gary and Lisa were enjoying the sun on a weekend day when they thought that selling some Curtains to go on those Tracks they purchased would be a great idea.
Through much research and their extensive furnishings knowledge - they saved as hard as they could to purchase a small shipment of Curtains to go on their Expandable Tracks
They ensured the pricing would be affordable to all customers for a realistic curtain and track option
Word got around Canterbury and they became busy as bees
As soon as they earned enough to survive weekly is when Gary and Lisa left their current jobs to make Expandatrack grow
As business grew; Gary and Lisa employed a installer and had to move to a Rangiora premise as their single car wooden garage just didn't have enough room
From there they started making Roller Blinds and employing sewing machinists to keep up with demand
Other Blinds followed to ensure they had most products to suit customers requests
As Expandatrack became established throughout Canterbury; so did the requests for different products. Gary and Lisa through research and communication with businesses and customers made sure Expandatrack stayed up to date with the latest products including Motorization on blinds and extended their product line to skylight blinds and custom curtains all at the best prices throughout New Zealand.
Gary and Lisa employed a Warehouse operations manager, a in-house sewing machinist and 2 installers to keep up with demand
Through a lot of testing and research Expandatrack now offers Window Frosting for Entrance windows and door windows
Gary and Lisa are still active within Expandatrack - Lisa managers the accounts whilst Gary is still researching the latest technology and products every day
Gary and Lisa implements new processes every month to ensure fast, affordable service continues for all customers throughout New Zealand